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Matrixread Archives


  1. Doubly Linked List in JavaScript
  2. Singly Linked List in JavaScript
  3. Implementing Queue in JavaScript
  4. Implementing Stack in JavaScript
  5. Contains Duplicate LeetCode – JS Solution


  • No Posts were published during this year.


  1. Simple and Pure CSS Spinner
  2. Consecutive characters count in String with JavaScript
  3. Count Vowels in a String with JavaScript
  4. Cannot find module ‘agentkeepalive’ npm update
  5. Learning to write Unit Tests
  6. Convert SASS and Minify CSS


  • No Posts were published during this year.


  1. Assign with Destructuring
  2. Handling Fetch errors, Fetch never fails
  3. Promise in JavaScript : 101
  4. JavaScript dates simplified
  5. ES2020 JavaScript features
  6. Promise.all() vs Promise.allSettled() in JavaScript
  7. Dynamic imports in JavaScript
  8. 3 years of Blogging, what Next?
  9. Iterating arrays with array.some() in JavaScript
  10. Promise in JavaScript
  11. Optional Chaining (?.) – Question mark and Dot in JavaScript
  12. Nullish Coalescing Operator ??
  13. JSON and JavaScript 101
  14. JavaScript Data Types 101
  15. Hoisting in JavaScript
  16. var, let, always use const?
  17. VS Code extensions for WEB developers
  18. Accessibility with Chrome color picker
  19. How WordPress helps me blog
  20. #5: I made some Minimal pages
  21. How to submit a Sitemap to Google
  22. Meta Tags for Twitter SEO
  23. Did you know Object.seal() in JavaScript
  24. SEO 101 for developers
  25. #4: Developer Changelog 2021
  26. Matrixread V3 – Minimalist Design
  27. Firebase Security – 101


  1. BACKEND 101
  2. Adding a Simple Cookie Consent
  3. Best of Web – 2020
  4. Styling Code Blocks in WordPress
  5. #3: Interview Resources
  6. Majority Element in an Array – LeetCode
  7. Sorting Algorithms in C++
  8. Transpose a Matrix
  9. Array of Structures – API Problem
  10. #2: Free Frontend Cheat-Sheets
  12. How to Style Images with CSS
  13. Create Beautiful Buttons
  14. Create a Beautiful Table of Contents
  15. LQIP in the WEB
  16. #30DaysofCode
  17. Direct & Indirect Recursion
  18. Even Odd Separation O(N) Single Iteration
  19. Tree Traversals – Preorder, Inorder, Postorder
  20. Program to Evaluate Postfix Expression – LeetCode
  21. Balanced Parenthesis Program
  22. How the bits/stdc++ .h works in C++
  23. Separate 0s and 1s – O(N) Single Iteration
  24. Perform Set Operations on Arrays
  25. Remove Duplicates from a Sorted Linked List
  26. Count the Duplicates of Array O(N)
  27. Anagram in Strings
  28. Target Sum – Single Iteration O(N)
  29. Binary Search Algorithm
  30. Reverse a Linked List
  31. Fibonacci Series – Iterative vs Recursive
  32. Maximum Occurring Character in a String
  33. Sum of Numbers in a String
  34. Linear Search Algorithm
  35. Bubble Sort Algorithm
  36. Template Functions in C++
  37. Two Sum LeetCode Optimized
  38. Squares of a Sorted Array LeetCode O(N)
  39. Single Number in Array LeetCode C++
  40. Program to Validate Username
  41. Find Missing Number in Array LeetCode
  42. Remove Duplicates from an Unsorted Array
  43. Linked List Code in C++
  44. Queue program in C++ using Array and STL
  45. Contains Duplicate LeetCode C++
  46. Stack Program in C++ using Array and STL
  47. #1: Matrixread hit 10000
  48. 5 Android App Projects for Beginners
  49. I made a 5KB Flutter App
  50. 4 Best and Free Screen Recorder for PC
  51. Collecting Fake Profiles on LinkedIn
  52. How I made 5 Selenium Bots
  53. Program to Click a Button N times
  54. Why I prefer to use 10 or fewer WordPress Plugins
  55. How to view GitHub Commits in 3D
  56. SSL – Adding a layer of security to your website
  57. Change Text Selection Color
  58. How to change the Address Bar Color
  59. 10 Benefits of Facebook Group for Businesses
  60. Freemium is the new Premium a Billion Dollar idea
  61. 4 sites to learn Python for free
  62. Learn Machine Learning from Google
  63. 8 Best VS Code Extensions to Improve your Productivity
  64. Before you hype to learn Full Stack Development
  65. Why every Business must have a Blog – Billion Dollar idea
  66. Is your website mobile friendly, 3 ways to test, and its effect on Google Ranking
  67. The Art of Automation – Billion Dollar ideas
  68. Learn Android App Development with Kotlin for free with Google Codelabs
  69. How to add Automatic Dark Mode to any Website / WordPress with 1 line of code