Everyone has an app idea or at some point we feel like ‘there should be an app for this’. App development is fun and in this post I’ll share some insights and resources to start learning app development.
Last year at Google I/O 2019, Android announced that there are more than 2.5 Billion monthly active devices. i.e [2,500,000,000] man thats a huge user base.

How much money can an app make ?
The answer is not straight forward because, it depends on many factors like the revenue source, business model, and the type app like whether it’s gaming, shopping, education, fintech, etc. And some external factors like no.of users, target-users, platform [Android,iOS and Windows] play a vital role.
Prerequisites – Checklist
- Familiar with an object-oriented programming language such as Java, C++
- Familiar with all the concepts, tools, and vocabulary in Kotlin/Java, if not you can take up Udacity’s free course to learn Kotlin basics,
- The basic idea of Android Studio, there are a tonne of tutorials on YouTube too.
What is Google Codelabs
Codelabs are created by Google Developers, where they provide us with guided tutorials and hands-on experience on simple projects. Most codelabs will take us through the process of building a small application or adding a new feature to an existing application. There are codelabs on almost all Google technologies to help you learn the basics complete with solutions in GithHub. Yes, all codelabs are free.
Here are the links to the courses
My experience with apps in Kotlin
First, to work with Android studio we need a lot of patience and do not fall into the tutorial trap, once you learn something, try to build/implement an app project out of it. I had some basic knowledge in OOPS and Java and followed Udacity’s Kotlin Boot camp. Also, do read 5 App ideas for beginners.