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Web Development

Web Development is for everyone. If you’re thinking to learn creating things on the web, start yesterday. Here I’ll share some tricks and tips I know regarding HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and some other web dev stuff.

Low Quality Image Placeholder

LQIP in the WEB

LQIP, aka Low Quality Image Placeholder. We use placeholders for text fields, videos and images which give a hint or indicate that some content is expected at a particular place on a web page. Why do we need placeholders? Images are heavy, a typical HTML page along with CSS, and… Read More »LQIP in the WEB

google mobile first indexing

Is your website mobile friendly, 3 ways to test, and its effect on Google Ranking

In November 2016, Google announced mobile first indexing will also be considered i.e till then only the desktop version of a website is used for ranking but with the new changes the mobile version of your page will also determine your rank and if you don’t have a responsive or… Read More »Is your website mobile friendly, 3 ways to test, and its effect on Google Ranking

add automatic dark mode

How to add Automatic Dark Mode to any Website / WordPress with 1 line of code

We’re in 2020 and everyone wants dark mode on everything, so did apps like Facebook, Twitter even Google and Apple have launched system-wide dark mode and if you want your website to be at ease for users who don’t like to stare at a bright screen all day, then the… Read More »How to add Automatic Dark Mode to any Website / WordPress with 1 line of code