Welcome to matrixRead 🚀
My name is Abhiram and I am a Developer like You 👨💻
I began my career in 2021 after graduating with a Computer Science Degree. While in university I got to play and build with various technologies like Android App Development, Machine Learning and attend Hackathons, Meetups, and Workshops. Now I’m working as a Frontend Developer at Publicis Sapient, more on my LinkedIn.
I have built this dev blog to reflect on my learnings and document my journey as a programmer. Here, I write primarily on frontend technologies like React.js, JavaScript, CSS3, HTML5, and other hacks that I pick up on the way. The main objective of this blog is to simplify the new things I have learned and to share the code that can save you some time. Thank you for visiting matrixRead, have a nice day ✨
– Abhiram Reddy 👨🚀