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Benefits of Facebook Group ideas

10 Benefits of Facebook Group for Businesses

Facebook is a great platform for marketing and community however maintaining a Facebook Group offers several advantages and ways to interact directly with your customers and audience. Don’t confuse Facebook Pages with Groups, both of them are entirely different in their ways.

Facebook Pages vs Facebook Groups

To keep it simple a Facebook page is more like a fan page where you can post and update the status of new products and changes, often only people interested in your company/product like and follow your page this works very well for celebrities and media companies however there is very limited interaction with your customers.

On the other hand, a Facebook Group is like a discussion forum/community where anyone can post and share their experience or problem with everyone. A group offers a one-to-one communication medium for Free.

Benefits of a Facebook Group

1. Community

There is no place better than being a part of like-minded people who work and think alike. This opens doors for several new opportunities and improves the trust factor between the users and the business organizations.

2. Learning and Teaching

Whenever you’re learning something new or trying out a new product we make mistakes and can learn from those who have already mastered them. Saving a lot of time and effort for everyone, I have learned so many new things from many communities and I’m very thankful for them.

3. Build better relations

Do your customers/audience love you / company?

How much do they trust might entirely depend on how you communicate and interact with them, a Facebook group offers a one to one communication medium is the best way to know about them and their problems personally.

3. Support and Review Forum

Now, you made a fancy website and a forum to submit tickets and answer queries but is it easy to use? accessible to everyone? Does the average member understand how to use it, nothing makes it simpler and easy to use than a Facebook Group, besides it costs nothing as it’s Free.

4. Organic Reach

One of the most underestimated factors is the growth of a community, a Facebook Group grows itself, yes people share what they love, they invite their friends and other like-minded people automatically and don’t require a lot of marketing and advertising to spread this.

5. Influencers and Marketing

If you’re an Influencer or an Entrepreneur having a Facebook Group would accelerate your content and marketing your brand, but remember the group needs to be moderated properly to make sure you are promoting the right thing at the right time.

6. Polls and Giveaway contests

Yes, there is no other way to get some Honest Feedback from your audience/customers than creating a poll or a giveaway contest to know them better. This might also be the most efficient method to know their pain points and other problems.

7. Lead Generation

Want to build a mailing list? Collect details of a potentially interested audience doesn’t require much effort and time as you already have a group of them. Insights and likes on particular posts can also help with this.

8. Precisely targeted Audience

Yes, all your product updates and other announcements have already reached half of them via the group and they might also share them in other similar communities. This saves a lot of cash on marketing and promoting.

9. Flexible Visibility

A Facebook group is a lot flexible in terms of many aspects of management and moderation as everything is under your control. Facebook offers

  1. Public Group – Open to All.
  2. Private Group – Approval or invite-only.
  3. Secret Group – Hidden from search.

And you can have separate groups for employees and private groups only for members of your organization separately.

10. Analytics and Insights

Likes and comments or discussions on particular posts provide you with a lot of information on what to focus on and work. This also highlights some core aspects and pain points of your customers which you might not be aware of.

I love the idea of Facebook groups and personally helped me a lot in many ways what do you say?

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